CNC is a word your hear all the time but do you really know what those three letters
stand for?
Computerised - Numeral - Control
Basically you put a program of numbers into a machine and it will cut, drill, grind,
tap etc in the exact position you need it to. The numbers are in a programing language
called G-Code.
CNC comes in many forms, from plasma cutters, routers, mills, water jet, laser, ect.
Once you take the human control of the tool away and put the control in the hands
of a machine you are talking about CNC.
What is G-Code
From Wikipedia
G-code Appeared in 1950s (first edition)Designed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Major implementations many, mainly Siemens Sinumeric, FANUC, Haas, Heidenhain, Mazak.
Generally there is one international standard - ISO 6983. Usual filename extensions
.mpt, .mpf .nc and several others
G-code is the common name for the most widely used computer numerical control (CNC)
programming language, which has many implementations. Used mainly in automation,
it is part of computer-aided engineering. G-code is sometimes called G programming
In fundamental terms, G-code is a language in which people tell computerized machine
tools what to make and how to make it. The "what" and "how" are mostly defined by
instructions on where to move to, how fast to move, and through what path to move.
The most common situation is that a cutting tool is moved according to these instructions,
cutting away excess material to leave only the finished work piece. Non-cutting tools,
such as cold-forming tools, burnishing tools, or measuring probes, are also sometimes
G-code Table
G00 - Rapid Linear Motion
G01 - Linear Motion at Feed Rate
G02 and G03 - Arc at Feed Rate
G04 - Dwell
G10 - Coordinate System Data Tool and Work Offset Tables
G12 and G13 - Clockwise / Counterclockwise Circular Pocket
G15 and G16 - Exit and Enter Polar Mode
G17, G18 and G19 - Plane Selection
G20 and G21 - Length Units
G28 and G30 - Return to Home
G28.1 - Reference Axes
G31 - Straight Probe
G40, G41 and G42 - Cutter Radius Compensation
G43, G44 and G49 - Tool Length Offsets
G50 and G51 - Scale Factors
G52 - Temporary Coordinate System Offset
G53 - Move in Absolute Coordinates
G54 to G59 and G59 P~ - Select Work Offset Coordinate System
G61 and G64 - Set Path Control Mode
G68 and G69 - Coordinate System Rotation
G73 - Canned Cycle - High Speed Peck Drill
G80 - Cancel Modal Motion
G81 to G89 - Canned Cycles
G90 and G91 - Distance Mode
G92, G92.1, G92.2 and G92.3 - G92 Offsets
G93, G94 and G95 - Set Path Control Mode
G98 and G99 - Canned Cycle Return Level